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2021 Field Day

Wayne Amateur Radio Club will be participating in the 2021 ARRL Field Day event. Field day is June 26-27 and will take place at the Wayne County Com Center at 110 Oldman Road, Wooster, OH. This is the same building that meetings are held at. We will meet at the Com Center at 9:00 A.M. June 26th to setup. Operating will begin at 1:00 P.M and can run up to 24 hours.

This year we are going to treat field day as more of what it was originally intended to be and not a competition. Field day was designed to gather hams in North America to setup temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio’s science, skill and service to our communities. WARC will be using this field day to practice our emergency preparedness and technical skills.

WARC plans on setting up a single HF transmitter station plus 6 meters. We will experiment with and try out several antennas including the W6NBC slot antenna, end fed half wave, and more. There will be time for anyone that wishes to operate to have a chance to operate during field day. Wayne Amateur Radio Club has plenty of members that will be available as control operators during the day to allow technicians or interested unlicensed individuals the opportunity to run an HF station.

WARC also plans on having various test equipment at the event to use and demonstrate to anyone interested in learning. One item of test equipment that will be there is The NanoVNA. The nanoVNA is a vector network analyzer that is very affordable, feature packed, and has become extremely popular in the amateur radio communities for testing antennas as well as many other uses.

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