Join WARC today! Wayne Amateur Radio Club membership dues are $20 per year. This $20 includes household members.
To join WARC, select the appropriate button below. If you are renewing or a new member, after submitting the form it will redirect you to the shopping cart to complete payment. To update your information with the club, select the updating information button
Those wishing to pay by check can make checks payable to “WARC” and mail to PO Box 584 Smithville, OH 44677. If you prefer to pay by cash, please contact Mike Brugger N8CEY at 330-466-0114. Print the form found here to send in with your check.
New members email address will be added to the club email list so you can receive club news and events in the timeliest manner. If for some reason you don’t receive them, let us know so we can be sure you are on the email list.