WARC August Meeting
The WARC August meeting will be held at the Com Center. This is the previous location where meetings were held.
138 Oldman Rd.
Wooster, OH 44691
It is the small building by the radio tower on the southwest corner of Oldman and Burbank Roads.
The meeting will start at 7:00 pm and be over whenever we decide to leave.
Streaming Details
We may stream the meeting on Zoom and YouTube like we have done with previous meetings. If so, all the details are the same as before and can be found below.
Zoom information
URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83673435199?pwd=R204RmFwbWF5dkhBeU00bEhvSmpnQT09
Meeting ID: 836 7343 5199
Meeting Password: 154881
YouTube Information
Stream URL: Wayne Amateur Radio Club YouTube live