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There are currently no active weather alerts.

SkyWarn Net Script

During severe weather, Jerry KC8HDP, typically handles the Wayne County Skywarn net as net control on our 147.21 repeater. In the rare event that Jerry is unable to take care of it, anyone else can pick up the net as net control. Below is the suggest net control script that Jerry uses to run the net.

Skywarn training

Starting the Net

This is (Give your callsign, name, and location) and I am currently serving as net control for the directed Wayne County Skywarn net.

Current Wayne County AlertsLocal Weather Alerts
There are currently no active weather alerts.


Are there any stations that are currently experiencing any of the following conditions:

    • Winds in Excess of 50 MPH
    • A rainfall rate greater than one inch per hour
    • Flash flooding or flooding in progress
    • Hail 1/2 inch in diameter (dime size) or larger
    • Wall clouds showing signs of rotation
    • Funnel Cloouds
    • Tornados

    The listed conditions above will always have priority.

    Pause for a response

    If funnel cloud/ tornado reported:

    • The Wayne County Skywarn Net is now in emergency mode. Stations reporting and tracking the Funnel Cloud/Tornado have priority. All other stations hold your traffic until cleared by net control.

    If no response

    • The purpose of a skywarn net is the rapid communication of accurate weather information during extreme weather situations.
      A Skywarn Net is started when severe weather threatens or is present in the area or when the National Weather Service issues a severe weather warning. When the National Weather Service issues a severe weather warning, it is considered an emergency condition due to the threat to life and property.

    Take Check-Ins

    • I will now accept check-ins from stations in the weather affected area. When checking in give your callsign, name, and location. Please hold your comments until net control asks for them.
      Log check Ins
    • I will now go down the list of check-ins to get a brief snapshot of the weather conditions at their location. Please be short and to the point with your traffic.

    As updates are received from the NWS, pass them on to the net.

    Ending the Net

    After all warnings have expired and you have received no further reports of severe weather, end the net. Give current and expected weather conditions as the net is closed. Thank all stations for their participation and return the repeater to regular amateur use

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