The Wayne Amateur Radio Clubs 2025 Winter Field Day was a success! For this event we set up 5 stations but only used 4 at a time and ran as a class 4I (4 transmitters Indoors). We choose to do this because typically there is at least one band that is not productive. For our antenna this year we ran the same off center fed dipole that we have been using for several years as well as our triplexers and bandpass filters. This is the first event that we were able to use our new to us computers for logging. We had no issues with the computers and logging programs this year which was a nice change of pace.

Pictures to the right is a list of all possible sections for this contest. All sections that are colored blue are sections we worked at least one contact in. The red are sections that we were unsuccessful at working any stations in. The map below is showing the same. We worked at least one contact in each colored area.

For this event we worked 10, 15, 20, 40, and 80 meters on both phone and CW. 80 meters was rather unproductive due to a high noise floor Saturday night. An improvement we would like to make for future events is better station grounding. This likely would have helped with at least some of the noise we were dealing with on 80 meters. 40 meters was by far our best band this year with 107 CW contacts and 326 phone contacts. With multipliers our total score for this event is 7,021 points.

Thank you to everyone that was able to participate this year. If you were unable to make it, mark your calendars for June 28th and 29th. Summer Field Day is going to be even better and we hope to see everyone there!