Cuyahoga Falls ARC (CFARC) has invited us to participate in their event, Summit Metro Parks On the Air.
Enjoy Autumn in Ohio! Our Sept 14 CFARC Activity Meeting is a special event- CFARC To The Field CTTF. Special time 4:30 to 7:30 PM (20:30 UTC). Both club members and nonmembers are invited. Participants will be in a local Summit Metro Park or at their home stations and the meeting will consist of making contact with each other. If time and conditions allow, I suggest a park hike before CTTF.

For detailed information on this activity view, the slideshow is available at (Anthony & Jim will be presenting this slideshow live at the upcoming August 10th CFARC Business meeting). For more info on Portable Operating, view the presentation slideshow-
The event will take place rain or shine, so have contingency plans for shelter or mobile operations in case of rain. If you have physical limitations, no problem, you can operate your mobile radio from your vehicle in the entity’s parking area. Don’t want to operate alone? Take a friend or two to share operating duties. Add additional radios for multiple bands/modes for even more fun. All CFARC members are invited and we suggest you invite your non-CFARC ham friends in the area to participate. The bands chosen for operation are open to all license classes so participation can be as simple as an HT or mobile radio. We also suggest you participate in another Field activity as a warm-up- Ohio State Parks On The Air- OSPOTA on Sept.10th.
CFARC to The Field Operation will “piggyback” on the recently added CFARC program- “Summit Metro Parks On The Air” (website).
CTTF Operating Options
- In Park Stations
- Mobile (in your vehicle with attached antennas)
- Portable (temporary antennas & portable powered rigs)
- Pedestrian (self-contained station with HT or other radio and antennas capable of operating in motion)
- Home Stations (Non-Park)
Allowed Contacts
- Park ↔ Home
- Park ↔ Park
Bands/Modes Allowed
- 10M, 6M, 2M & 440 / FM
- 6M & 10M / SSB
Frequency Suggestions

- FM Frequencies- Be able to switch between freqs to check for activity quickly
- Program FM frequencies into your radio’s memories* or
- Set your radio’s STEP function to match suggested freqs
- Find empty freq to call CQ*
- SSB Frequencies- tune range to check for activity (if you need assistance with this, ask an Elmer)
* Note 10 Meter FM is not available for Technician licensees, all other freq are available to all licensees
Stations can make contacts with other stations once per band per location. If a station changes parks, they can be contacted again on each band. Park stations should give their location when calling CQ so the station will know if they can make additional contacts. Home to Home Station contacts do not count.
Please record time, band or freq, callsign & exchange for each contact (printable logging sheets will be available on the web page later this week).
Park Stations:
- Two types of Summit Metro Parks Entities that you can operate from
- Parks
- Bike/Hike Trailheads
- See:
- Park Stations- Callsign + Give park name or abbreviation (see list)
- Non-Park Stations- Callsign + Give six-digit Grid Square (i.e., EN91he) see next slide for info on finding your grid
Be sure to log all your contacts as you will need the particulars later when you apply for some of the awards available under the CFARC “Summit Metro Parks on the Air”. In addition, we ask that you send your logs to or after the event. All submitted logs with a minimum of five (5) contacts will be entered into a drawing for $50.00 gift certificate to DX Engineering. You may work solo or in groups of 2-3 operators.
Be sure to log all your contacts as you will need the particulars later when you apply for some of the awards available under the CFARC “Summit Metro Parks on the Air”. In addition, we ask that you send your logs to or after the event. All submitted logs with a minimum of five (5) contacts will be entered into a drawing for $50.00 gift certificate to DX Engineering. You may work solo or in groups of 2-3 operators.
Scoring is based on the following:
- The total number of stations you work
- The multiplier is the total number of unique park entities you work, each park is only counted once per contest (not once per band)
The gift certificate is not based on your scoring in the contest. To be eligible for the random drawing for the gift certificate, you must complete at least 5 valid contacts.
- CTTF Slideshow-
- Video of Slideshow- Link
- Activation Announcements
- Park Entity List- List of Entities
- Log Sheets-Google Doc or Printable PDF
- CTTF Cheat Sheet- Link
- CTTF Summary Sheet- Link
- “What is Amateur (Ham) Radio?” Handout- link
- The CTTF Presentation-
Portable Operating Presentation-