During our January meeting, Doug KE8JNH, gave a presentation on VolunteerHam. Volunteer Ham allows you, the volunteer, to log your volunteer hours and miles. Your local emergency coordinators can see your volunteered time and use it in their ARRL reporting for the area. Along with that, you can see local events in the area as well as upload your training certificates. This new system is similar to the previous ARES Connect, but is not currently an ARRL software. ARRL discontinued the use of ARES connect in June of 2021, with no replacement. VolunteerHam was created by an amateur radio operator that saw the void and decided to fill it.
Doug KE8JNH, Wayne County Emergency Coordinator, is asking that people sign up for VolunteerHam and start using it. This will allow him to learn the new system and see how well it works. One thing to make note of when registering, currently the county you register in is the only county that you will be able to see and sign up for events. If you participate primarily in Wayne County events, but live in another county, register as Wayne County. In the future this may change to being able to see surrounding counties. VolunteerHam is still a work in progress and new features will be added.
To learn more about VolunteerHam you can visit their website. If you’re ready to register you can do it here. If you have any questions about VolunteerHam reach out to KE8JNH. Don’t participate in Wanye County but still interested? Reach out to your local Emergency Coordinator and ask if they are using it. Many Ohio areas have already adopted VolunteerHam.