Doug Hunter KE8JNH will be doing a presentation at our April Club meeting. His presentation will be about using Winlink to send and receive email over amateur radio frequencies. The presentation will include what Winlink is, how to set it up with an Icom 7300, and also how to send and receive emails.

What is Winlink?
From the webpage…
“Winlink global radio email is a network of amateur radio and authorized government stations that provide worldwide radio email using radio pathways where the internet is not present. The system is built, operated and administered entirely by licensed “Ham” volunteers. It supports email with attachments, position reporting, weather and information bulletins, and is well-known for its role in interoperable emergency and disaster relief communications. It is capable of operating completely without the internet–automatically–using smart-network radio relays. Licensed Winlink operators/stations use both amateur radio and government radio frequencies worldwide. Support for the system is provided by the Amateur Radio Safety Foundation, Inc., a US 501(c)(3) non-profit, public-benefit entity. Winlink Global Radio Email®️ is a US registered trademark of the Amateur Radio Safety Foundation, Inc.“
Winlink is commonly used over HF and VHF. To keep familiar with sending and receiving message there are nets that you can participate in such as the Winlink Wednesday net.