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Incoming QSL Bureau

The 8th call area incoming QSL bureau is asking for everyone’s help with solving their unclaimed QSL card problem. If you haven’t already been in contact with them, then let them know what you would like done with your incoming QSL cards. In the Wooster area, we have a few card sorters. K8MFO, the “G” sorter. K8AJS The “J” sorter and W8AV, the “R” sorter. Some of them are even WARC members. Below is from the September ARRL Ohio Section Postscript.

We have a problem—Please Help

Box of QSL cards

Many of the local hams are 8th Area Incoming QSL Bureau card sorters. This includes N8DX—Jack, who manages the entire 8th area bureau, K8CR—Chuck, the “C” card sorter, AJ8B—Bill, the “N” card sorter, K4ZLE,—Jay the “O” card sorter, K8DV—Dave, the “Q” card sorter, and NR8Z—Tom, the “S” card sorter. As N8DX points out “With the onset of FT8, the growing amount of unclaimed QSLs at the bureau have become overwhelming to say the least.” This is problem for all of the sorters. How can you help? Contact your letter sorter based on their email address at https://arrl-greatlakes.org/8th_bureau.htm. If you don’t want to receive cards, let the sorter know. If you do, make sure that you have envelopes on file, the address is correct, and the sorter has enough postage. No excuse for a DXer not to be up to date with their card sorter. N8DX does a terrific job and all of the sorters are dedicated volunteers. Please help them do their job!

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