Skywarn Training

If you are interested in Skywarn training, the Wayne County Emergency Management Agency will be hosting a training this year. Zach Sefcovic from the Cleveland National Weather Service will be there sharing information on Skywarn spotting. The program is open to anyone interested 18 years and older. If you have teens interested, at least 14 years old, they are welcome to attend the class.

To register for the class, text the word 2022WCSKYWARN to 69310. Each cell phone registered counts as 1 registration.

Skywarn Training Location

Wooster Foursquare Church

3670 Friendsville Rd.

Wooster, OH 44691


Thursday March 24, 2022 at 6:00 PM


There is NO COST to attend the training

Amateur Radio and Skywarn Training

Amateur radio operators have a long history of being involved with Skywarn and severe weather spotting. Spotters will report their local weather conditions on their local skywarn nets during severe weather. The skywarn liaison station will then relay appropriate reports to the national weather service over the liaison net. This is the perfect opportunity to receive training or to brush up on your spotting knowledge for those interested.

For more information about Skywarn and Skywarn training, visit the SKYWARN website.

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